Igraje do podjetnikov
Verjetno sem tudi jaz že parkrat napisal, da smo premalo podjetni. V Evropi nasploh in v Sloveniji še posebej (po nekih statistikah smo Slovenci v zadnji četrtini držav). Ni treba verjeti na besedo meni. Mladi evropski podjetniki npr. pišejo:
We believe that we need to rediscover the entrepreneurial spirit of Europe, and that to do so, we need to act at all levels involving all stakeholders, including public opinion. In this context, we support launching awareness campaigns to promote the value of entrepreneurship and open up the world of business to the general public. On a practical level, this could involve EU support of award schemes, media campaigns, company visits, business fairs and road shows, in partnership with the representative organisations of entrepreneurs. At the same time, we should improve the links between the business and education worlds, which are too often wrongly seen as having conflicting aims.
Tipičen odgovor politikov je, da je treba o podjetništvu več učiti v šolah. Škoditi znanje sicer ne more, ampak potrebujemo predvsem pravega podjetniškega duha. Obdarovanja so sicer mimo, ampak tole je ameriški pristop k problemu: 14 Educational Games to Teach Your Kids About Business - eMoms at Home - The Internet Home Business Blog for Moms & Dads:
If you have ever seen the presentation Shift Happens, then you, like me, likely lose sleep over the fact that our educational system really isn’t set up to teach our children real-life business and entrepreneurial skills.
Avtorica priporoča igre kot so Monopoly, Sims 2 Open for Business, Zoo- in kup drugih tajkunskih igric, "Pretend and play supermarket kit"... Skratka, če ne gre drugače, se z otroci igrajte trgovino. In če bo dete zadeve preveč podražilo, se nehajte igrat.