Invention is the Mother of Necessity
Teze za pozdravni nagovor, ki sem ga imel 14.6. na kongresu o inovacijskem novinarstvu na FDV (wow kakšna stavba - lepše kot letališče Franz Jozef Strauss). Zanimiv dogodek, pogrešal obraze, ki že pišejo o znanosti, tehnologiji, inovacijah - ali pa sem bil samo prekratko tam. Časa, da bi ostal na malici in bi še kakšno rekli, tudi ni bilo. Morda podiskutiramo - kako promovirati ustvarjalno družbo skozi medije - kar tukaj.
Necessity is the mother of Invention
Desperation is the Father of Innovation
Invention is the mother of Necessity
EU Aho report: The reason business is failing to invest enough in R&D and innovation in Europe is the lack of an innovation-friendly market in which to launch new products and services. To create such a market they recommend actions on ... (5) fostering a culture which celebrates innovation.
Two points to make in speech:
innovation journalism
journalists about innovators
innovative journalism
journalists as innovators
because you need to be innovative yourself
because the creative class, innovative people may not care about traditional media
innovators as journalists ... blog about yourself
Innovation journalism:
Moj mikro, 1984, best years of my life ...
best job in Slovenia has Marijan Zlobec ... why is culture so sexy, why innovation is not?
kultura nasploh si je odrezala primeren kos družbene pozornosti ... Prešernova nagrada je top zadeva ... kdo ve za Zoisovo, Puchovo ... po drugi strani, Nobelova nagrada za književnost je pa ena od.
nekatere vrste ustvarjalnosti dobro zastopane ... npr. visoka kultura, umetnost, design, oglaševanje ... halo, ne samo, da gledamo reklame, celo beremo o reklamah! reklama za reklame!
inovacije in ustvarjalnost za ključne za gospodarski razvoj ampak?
kdor je razumel metlice, je razumel, da ne gre nujno samo za tehnične ampak tudi za oblikovne, kulturne in druge inovacije, v najširšem smislu za ustvarjalnost ... value is created cross disciplinary areas ... left brain vs. right brain. Rationality vs. intuition. Engineering vs. art. Druga tema.
“Innovation is not the product of logical thought, although the result is tied to logical structure.” Albert Einstein
Related Government activities:
cornerstone of Lisbon strategy
cornerstone of Strategy of development of Slovenia
gowth in R&D spending
support of technical, natural sciences popular magazines
obligation to scientists to publish in popular press, popolarize
all this is not enough
TV, internet:
CSI did more for popularity of science and technology than all of the above
reality show in a technical/lab setting not on a farm, bar ...
millionar, take it or leave it ... discovery channel ...
make r&d a sexy theme
Inovative journalism:
včasih je bil novinar priča dogodku z dostopom do medijev
danes je vsaka priča lahko novinar, nekateri udeleženci, akterji dogodkov lahko pišejo direktno o svojih vtisih
STA ... novice
Delo, Dnevnik, 24ur,, ... zelo podobna copy-paste besedila
komentar brez zunanjih linkov ... zapreti bralca v svoj kot
po drugi strani Slashdot ... link na neke druge novice, s kratkim komentarjem
added value of eJournal:
link to source
In conclusion. Creative journalism should:
Balance a sense of
wonder about technology and ... A.C.Clarke ... technology like magic
how it works and
why you care !!!
because you must be innovative to reach innovative public
because you are innovative if you write about innovation
understand that innovation means to dare to think with a heart
O dogodku poroča tudi Blog o inovativnosti.