Prepoved kajenja, klimatske spremembe in sodobna arhitektura
Ko hodim po mestu in gledam vse te improvizirane šotore, ogabne prizidke, kičaste nadstreške, od smoga svinjske sončnike, osmojene grlece in kaloriferje, ki grejejo "terase" pred lokali, da bi kadilci tam lahko vsaj za silo na toplem enega pokadili, me večkrat prime, da bi to ciganjarijo, ki se razrašča po Sloveniji, poblogal. Pa mi ne bo treba - Smoking bans and climate change | Certain ideas of Europe |
ARE SMOKING bans bad for the environment? The thought pops up, while reading screeds of newspaper articles about the ban on smoking in the bars, restaurants and clubs of France, that will come into force at midnight tonight. Many of the articles, especially in the French press, focus on the ways in which restaurateurs and bar-owners hope to continue welcoming customers who cannot do without a clope while they sink a quick chope on the way home. Most of their plans focus on an exemption in the new law for outdoor terraces which are either open to the skies, or open on one side to the elements.
PS. In ja, ko zjutraj ob sedmih gledam kadilce, zunaj, na minus 5, v megli, s stisnjenimi koleni na kovinskih stolih pod temi "sončniki", se mi seveda smilijo. Se pa tudi vprašam, če kot nekadilec morda česa ne zamujam.